Taming and Bonding with Shy New Doves

New Dove sitting on hand

Doves can make wonderful pets with their soft coos and graceful beauty. However, many newly acquired doves tend to be quite timid and fearful around their new owners. With time, patience and the proper technique though, even the shyest doves can become tame, trusting companions. The key to taming doves is gaining their confidence slowly

 Signs Your Dove is Sick and What to Do


Doves make wonderful pets, known for their peaceful nature and pleasant cooing. However, they can fall ill just like any other bird. As a responsible dove owner, it is important to learn what signs indicate your dove may be under the weather. That way, you can get them treatment promptly and help them feel better

Teaching Parrots to Talk: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

Parrot Talk

Many parrot species are renowned for their exceptional ability to mimic human speech. African grey parrots, Amazon parrots, cockatoos, budgerigars, and cockatiels rank among the top talkers that stun owners with their extensive vocabularies. Teaching these intelligent birds to talk remains a beloved pastime among parrot enthusiasts. When continuously engaged through incremental training techniques, parrots

Beginner’s Guide to Raising Parakeets

Beginner's guide to raising parakeets

Guide to Raising Parakeets Parakeets, with their vibrant plumage and playful demeanor, make delightful companions for both experienced and novice pet owners. This comprehensive beginner’s guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical tips needed to raise a happy and healthy parakeet. From choosing the perfect parakeet to understanding their behaviors, this